Set Up A Universal Cloud Virtual Machine to Build Your Hugo Site

洪健翔 Hung, Chien-hsiang
2 min readJan 25, 2024



StackBlitz is an instant fullstack web IDE for the JavaScript ecosystem. It’s powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based operating system which boots the Node.js environment in milliseconds, securely within your browser tab. This allows you to use the web to build the web. StackBlitz is a browser-based IDE that lets you create and share secure, reproducible, and fast dev environments for web and Node.js projects. You can boot a fresh environment in milliseconds, run live templates for bug reports, and debug with Chrome Dev Tools.

I was trying StackBlitz at first and soon to realize it’s not easy to manage your Hugo site on top of that.

Go -> Set Up A Universal Cloud Virtual Machine to Build Your Hugo Site — Hung, Chien-Hsiang | Blog (

How to manage Hugo on StackBlitz?

There is no way to install Hugo to the StackBlitz machine so I figured that I can maybe install it via npm as a module and use it. (Because Node.js is supported on the platform.)

Download Hugo

npm install hugo-installer --save-dev

You will see Socket hang up Error msg. It’s due to the browser rejecting the request because of CORS reasons.1

Unblock CORS

I even tried Unblock CORS which resulting in access denied (403 forbidden) from StackBlitz proxy.

I even tried downloading these extensions2 on my Edge but still failed (Worked at addressing CORS issue but still not able to download the package).

What’s the workaround?

GitHub Codespaces

Follow the steps here hugo-installer — npm ( and check out the example chienhsiang-hung/blog (

