Data Structures and Algorithms in Python | Arrays and Strings

洪健翔 Hung, Chien-hsiang
2 min readJul 24, 2022


In this series and in the next few weeks, I will show you Data Structures and Algorithms in Python by some classic interview solutions. Please take a pen, whiteboard, and your laptop. Let’s start learning!

Cheat sheet to Arrays and Strings. And some heads up for you.

Creating a Matrix in Python without numpy

new_matrix  = [ [None]*height ] *  width

This way, all the inner list will be pointed to the same address, i.e.

test_list = [[]]*5
id(test_list[0]) == id(test_list[1])

Do something like this instead.

new_matrix = []
i = 0
while i < width:
new_matrix.append([]) # add a row
j = height - 1
while j >= 0:

See example Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-Python/Rotate at main · chienhsiang-hung/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-Python (

Unittest Heads Up

‘in-place’ function

When doing unittest for ‘in-place’ function, remember to deepcopy the test set for looping tests, i.e.

from copy import deepcopyfor (_input, _output) in  self.test_cases:
_input = deepcopy(_input) # don't forget this line, because it changes original input that make your right answer to be wrong


for text, expected in self.test_cases:
_input = deepcopy(text) # don't forget this line, because it changes original input that make your right answer to be wrong
for func in self.testable_functions:
start = time.perf_counter()
_input == expected
), f'{func.__name__} failed for value: {text}, output={_input}, expected={expected}'


for (_input, _output) in test_cases:
_input_copy = _input.copy()
assert zero_matrix(_input_copy) == _output

See example

Test your script: Hsiang | PyScript Hello World (

Contact me: Hung, Chien-Hsiang (

